Are you feeling sick? Feel free to visit the general practitioner. In the gp surgery currently underway determination of primary diagnoses, blood sampling, examination of vision and hearing, vaccination, preventive examinations, treatment of common diseases and sending to specialists.

Private practice of a general practitioner FOR adults.

Ear, nose and throat specialist. ORL - hearing examination (audiometry) -examination of middle ear function (tympanometry) - examination of the middle ear (otomicroscopy) - endoscopic examination of the nose -examination of the larynx with magnifying optics. Other surgeries: U.S. Míru 24, 66601, Tišnov Phone: 549 439 921.

Services: Doctor -medical and preventive care for children and adolescents up to 19 years -take of biological material -application of standard and above-standard vaccines -consulting and treatment of homeopathy. In the surgery we have a device for measuring the level of CRP in the blood. C-reactive protein is a proteinaceous substance ...