Are you feeling sick? Feel free to visit the general practitioner. In the gp surgery currently underway determination of primary diagnoses, blood sampling, examination of vision and hearing, vaccination, preventive examinations, treatment of common diseases and sending to specialists.

Ord Mik s.r.o. runs a general practitioner's office for adults.

Healthcare. - general practitioner for children, adolescents and adults - pediatrician and general practitioner -pediatrics, pediatric surgery, general medicine, general surgery.

MD Luboš Oliva s.r.o. runs a general practitioner's office for adults.

Praktik Petrová s.r.o. runs a general practitioner's office for adults.

1. Židenická, s.r.o. runs a general practitioner's office for adults.

Clinic for children and adolescents Pod kaštany, Brno - Žabovřesky s.r.o. runs a general practitioner's office.

Combined surgeries Komín s.r.o. is an association of several practices of general practitioners for children, adolescents and adults.

General practitioner's office for children and adolescents. We provide medical services in the field of pediatrics, including examinations, standard and above-standard vaccinations and issuing medical certificates.

Artmed Praktik s.r.o. runs a general practitioner's office for adults.

Pediatr Černá Pole, s.r.o. runs a general practitioner's office for children and adolescents.

MD Jiří Čejgl s.r.o. runs a general practitioner's office for adults.

Healthcare: -pediatrician, pediatrician - general practitioner for children and adolescents -pediatrics, pediatric office.

Surgery, ambulance: - general practitioner for children and adolescents - pediatrics. Ordinace S.K.Neumanna 10 tel .: 519 333 439.

MD Jana Kolářová runs a general practitioner's office for adults.

Services: - general practitioner for adults

Healthcare: - general practitioner for children and adolescents, child and adolescent doctor, pediatrician - pediatric surgery, pediatrics.

General practitioner for children and adolescents, pediatrician, paediatrics.

MD Martina Šipulová s.r.o. runs a clinic for adults.