Are you feeling sick? Feel free to visit the general practitioner. In the gp surgery currently underway determination of primary diagnoses, blood sampling, examination of vision and hearing, vaccination, preventive examinations, treatment of common diseases and sending to specialists.

Department: -ARO department -Children's department -Gynecological and obstetric department -Maternity hospital -Birth department -Surgical ward -Infectiousness department -Internal Department -Department of Dermatology -Hospital for long term sickness -LDN Třebíč -Eurological department -Eye department -ORL -Orthopedic ...

Pediatr Slezsko s.r.o. runs a pediatric clinic in Jablunków.

MD Lucie Šebestová is a general practitioner in the center of Havířov

Services: - general practitioner for adults and children from 14 years of age.

Healthcare: - general practitioner for children and adolescents, pediatrician, pediatrician: - focus on pediatric gastroenterology and hepatology -nutrition clinic -pediatrics. Offer advice in the field of children's nutrition.

General practitioner's office for children and adolescents. Expert paediatrics and care for premature and at-risk newborns. Pediatric endocrinology Pediatric Nephrology. Other surgeries: B. Smetany 24, 68001 Boskovice

MD Lenka Bilková runs a general practitioner's office.

General practitioner for children and adolescents. Surgery, ambulance: - child and adolescent doctor, pediatrician. Painless application of earrings - without the risk of nickel allergy. The earrings are applied using a nail gun. Homeopathy - alternative treatment.