You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.


Massage: - medical - lava stones. Preventive rehabilitation. Back school

We cordially invite you to the newly opened hotel and sports center of the silver medalist from the 2000 Sydney Olympics, Rudolf Kraje. Hotel Olympionik was built with an emphasis on the maximum comfort and privacy of its guests, is equipped with the most modern technology and offers high-level services at very affordable prices. In addition ...

Application of warm peat Physiotherapy - lymphotherapy - reflex massages and mobilization

We operate a general dentist's office. We deal with aesthetic dentistry, dental hygiene, teeth whitening. We provide ceramic fixed restorations and Flexite removable restorations. We implant dental decorations (stones). The attending physician is accepting new patients. More information on www.

Operation: - speech therapy surgery, speech therapy consultation. Clinical speech therapy.

Services: - massage, reconditioning and regeneration. Massage: - sports and reconditioning - classic with peeling - honey - detoxifying - lava stones - Hot Stones - postisometric relaxation, gentle techniques, mobilization - Dorn method + Breuss massage - chocolate massage, wraps - bamboo massage - kinesio taping.

Rental - motorhomes Hostel - 10 rooms Tennis school - 3 tennis courts - group and individual courses Salt Cave

Rehabilitation and medical assistance: - back and joint pain - headaches - blocked ribs - post-traumatic states - wrong body posture - scoliosis - functional fertility - weakened pelvic floor - incontinence - active scars - conditions after cerebrovascular accidents - arthrosis and arthritis - wrong breathing stereotype - flat ...

Hyperbaric chamber. Counseling for divers. Medical examinations for divers.

Healing - kinesiology - alternative medicine - pranic healing - diagnostics - bioenergy treatment - deep abreactive psychotherapy, SRT, restructuring, crystal reiki I. and II., automatic drawing - energetic cleansing of blockages - biotherapist - magnetotherapy, magnetostimulation, biostimulation - Bach ...

Physiotherapist, beauty services and massages.