You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

Services: - psychological counseling - traffic psychological examination

Healthy beauty center. Services: - massages - wraps -nutritional counseling - infrared sauna -peeling -lifting.

Medical institution: . LDN - rehabilitation - surgery - internal - orthopedics

Principles of holistic thinking Practical use in the fields of science, medicine, pedagogy, philosophy and religion.

Internal ambulance and diabetes consultation

Outpatient clinic, functional diagnostics and echocardiography

Massage: -exercise for pregnant women -electrotherapy -ultrasound -magnetotherapy -laser therapy.

Practical dentist. Independent dental office.