You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

Dental hygienist. Services: -instruction of oral hygiene, removal of tartar, polishing, bleaching, treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis and application of dental jewelry.

Dr. MUDr. Michal Bumbálek and his professional team provide comprehensive dental care at the Onedent dental center. Experienced doctors, nurses and also dental hygienists with many years of experience will take care of your teeth. Our priority is to make you feel comfortable and comfortable with us. We emphasize maximum care and individual ...

Gynecology clinic. Gynecologist. Professional female doctor. Prevention, vaccination, contraception, care for pregnant women.

Gynecology clinic. Gynecologist. Professional female doctor. Prevention, vaccination, contraception, care for pregnant women.

Medical rehabilitation - sensorimotor exercises - reflex massages - thermotherapy - hydrotherapy.

Gynecological center: -gynecological examinations and examinations procedures and operations -cosmetic laser treatments -pregnancy tests - contraceptive advice - ultrasound examination -pregnancy, sexological counseling also for breast pathologies. Second office: -Jihomoravské náměstí 1 - Slatina, II. floor of the ...

L'ART clinic. Female doctor's ambulance - assisted reproduction - IVF and gynecological surgeries - diagnostics - treatment of fertility disorders.