Specialized medical the workplace include physiotherapy, vertebral therapists, homeopathic counseling, clinic, alternative medicine, nutritional counseling, center of assisted reproduction or plastic surgery.

Services: - skin clinic with a focus on children

Private clinic for speech and hearing impairments. Speech therapist - clinical speech therapy and psychology, stuttering, psychiatry, neurology, biofeedback, ENT. We also offer ear, nose, phonetics, audiology, rehabilitation, massages, special private kindergarten.

Private clinic for speech and hearing disorders: - clinical speech therapy - clinical psychology -ENT* and phoniatrics -rehabilitation doctor -BIOFEEDBACK - Oxyrelax - special computer training programs -psychomotorics - inpatient hospital for people with severe speech and hearing disorders - art therapy ...

The REPROFIT clinic belongs to the European top in the field of reproductive medicine. Our mission is to help infertile couples on the path to parenthood. We use modern methods of infertility treatment, including treatment with donated eggs. We will find the easiest possible way for you to get pregnant. At our clinic, expect a professional medical ...

Eye center. We operate an eye center. We provide medical care. We apply contact lenses and prescribe prescription glasses

CENTER FOR SPECIALIZED MEDICAL CARE. Services: - field of hand surgery - foot surgery - proctology - rehabilitation - vascular surgery - plastic surgery - one-day surgery. Top professionals will attend to you with above-standard care.