Specialized medical the workplace include physiotherapy, vertebral therapists, homeopathic counseling, clinic, alternative medicine, nutritional counseling, center of assisted reproduction or plastic surgery.

Activity: - occupational medicine - vaccination.

Dermatovenerology clinic. Skin surgery.

Diabetology and internal outpatient clinic.

Gynecology Brno. Private gynecology-obstetric office Gynecology Brno. Our practice Gynecology Brno focuses on both gynecological issues and obstetric care, including pregnancy consultation.

Rehabilitation and psychorehabilitation center.

Services: -speech and communication center -speech therapist -psychology - occupational therapy

Dermatology - aesthetic dermatology - venereology.

Gynecological-obstetrics clinic. Continuing education of doctors in gynecology and obstetrics LEVRET - lectures - publication of professional magazines - lifelong learning program.

Marketing exact research - psychodiagnosis - brain training - analysis of promotion, measurement of emotions and cognitive reactions.

Classical homeopathy: -counseling -treatment of the real causes of diseases without side effects -accuprasura, cupping, reflexology, reiki, magnetotherapy, herbs, su-jok.

Radiodiagnostic workplace - Department of Nuclear Medicine.