You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

Special ambulance: - gastroenterology, gastroenterology clinic. Examination: - gastroscopy - colonoscopy - rectoscopy - sonography. Nutrition counseling: - metabolic measurements - nutrition plans.

Dental clinic, dentist, dental hygiene, aesthetic dentistry.

Orthopedics. Operating an orthopedic clinic: - performing sonography of children's hips and shoulders - sonographic diagnosis of the locomotor system.

Services: Transport medical service. Transportation of sick, injured and pregnant women. Medical assistance at sports, cultural and other social events. International repatriation transfers of patients. Transporting urgent care patients. First aid training.

Psychiatric surgery MUDr. Marie Ošťádalová s.r.o. it helps people with mental health problems and tries to provide them with the professional help they really need. I deal with the diagnosis of mental disorders and problems, help my patients find balance and mental well-being again and return them to a full life. In my practice I also use ...