You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

Orthopedic ambulance. A separate office of a specialist doctor.

Otorhinolaryngology and Phoniatrics Outpatient Clinic

Mountain hotel Brans s.r.o. offers comfortable accommodation in double to quadruple, modern rooms. The newly reconstructed hotel is located in the pleasant surroundings of Malá Morávka directly below Praděd. Hotel capacity is 26 rooms, with 67 beds and 26 extra beds for 93 guests. The hotel has a restaurant and wellness. As one of the few hotels ...

Doctor, dental, stomatology. Dental office.

AMEM - Aesthetic Medicine Clinic is a private medical facility. Our procedures include non-invasive painless liposuction, facelift, permanent hair removal, mesotherapy, mesonite, dermolissage, pigmentation alleviation, hyperpigmentation, acne, scar removal, stretch marks, cellulite and more. We have establishments in the Zlín Region - Zlín, ...

Gynecology and obstetrics, rental, purchase and sale

Wellness studio. Studio of beauty, health and vitality. We provide services in the area of: - exercises: yoga, physiopilates, exercises for seniors, children and for health limited, flexes, TRX, circuit training........... - massages - weight loss - meal plan + customized exercise plan - regeneration - detoxification - ...

Services: -cosmetics. - massages: -Breuss massage. -sports. -lymphatic.