You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

Bowen therapy & VHT (Vibromuscular harmonization technique) - individual PEDISWISS / PODIART orthopedic insoles - manual therapy - phytotherapy - Energy preparations

Stomatological office, dentist: - orthodontics.

Homeopathy - Bach flower therapy - EAV examination

Kinesiology Reiki healing and initiation Positive psychotherapy Bach essences

Hairdresser's Herbal spa - baths and hair care Massage

-Operation of physical education and sports facilities and organization of sports activities Massage, reconditioning and regeneration services

Josephina - body care center: VacuShape, VIP salon Shellac, eyelash extensions - eyelash on eyelash, pedicure, massages, permanent make-up, cosmetics, nail modeling

Sale - sports nutrition Cosmetics Solarium Female fitness - gym FOR men - fitness bar Sale - women's underwear Massage

Massage - Chinese unblocking massage - Dorn's method - Relaxing - Chocolate - Lava stones - Honey massage

Zumba Cedar sauna - pouring stones, salt crystals, birch whisks - sauna for children from 4 months in a special regime Exercises Massage the possibility of using various benefits - including the Multisport Benefit card

- - make-up, cosmetics - manicure, pedicure Retraining - for the field of nutrition consultant (with a certificate from the Ministry of Education and Culture) Nutrition counseling - - Institute of Prevention, Health and Balanced Health Style

Beauty studio - cosmetic treatments - eyelash extensions - depilation - color typology Manicure - nail extensions Vacuum massages

Center for prevention and treatment of allergies and immune disorders.

Office of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy.

Our stories: - first-class care for the musculoskeletal system - rehabilitation of children with delayed development - lymphatic drainage - naturopathic and homeopathic consultation - intro and retrospective deep therapy.

Revolutionary weight loss Wellness Trend is the first medically verified weight reduction program with a team of doctors and expert consultants throughout the Czech Republic and in many other countries. Our priority is a comprehensive weight loss program with individual care for clients.