You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

Offer professional eye examination in the full range of ambulatory care.

Massage - classic - The Dorns - The Breusses - honey - reflexive - cupping. Nutritional counseling.

Doctor: -diabetology consultation.

Work with REIKI and RA SHEEBA energies

Physiotherapy and massages Classic, sports, Hawaiian, lymphatic massages - massage with lava stones - Thai foot massage

Surgical ambulance - proctology consulting room

We perform: - non-invasive liposuction of the 3rd generation (cavitation).

Do you need psychiatric help? Our office specializes in psychiatry. We carry out preventive examinations, we provide medical care. If necessary, we will provide expert examinations. At the moment, we are not a contractual partner with VZP, we treat its patients for cash payment.

Internal medicine and angiology clinic.

Dentistry office: - dentist, stomatologist.

Sale - herbal products (teas, ointments, ...) Massage (reconditioning and relaxation)

Healthy and effective weight loss and body shaping. Free initial consultation. Individual approach under the guidance of an expert. No diet, but a permanent change in eating habits supplemented with exercise. 98% of clients lose weight.

Are you looking for professional and superior services for your teeth? Your teeth are safe with us. We will provide you with above-standard services in the field of dentistry in our modern dental practice in the center of Prague. We are still accepting new patients, including your children. Through regular training of our doctors in the Czech ...

We operate a pulmonary and allergy clinic. We offer resting and post-exercise spirometry, bronchodilation tests, allergen skin tests, CRP (confirmation of bacterial infection), FENO (respiratory tract allergies). We provide counseling for quitting smoking. We offer preventive examinations and monitoring of pregnant women and workers working in a ...

Are you looking for a specialist doctor who will help you with your problem? We will provide you with friendly and professional help. We operate a separate office of a specialist doctor - for skin and venereal diseases. We deal with dermatovenerology, cosmetic operations. We use a dermatoscope, we remove moles.