You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

Services: -instrumental character formation. -cosmetics. -hairdresser's. -pedicure. - massages. -solarium.

Services: - hairdresser - cosmetics - massages - manicure

Office, doctor: - allergology - immunology ČESKÁ LÍPA OFFICE: Purkinje 1849 tel.: 487 954 992

Services: - manicure - cosmetics - pedicure - hairdresser - massages

Non-state medical facilities: - center of assisted reproduction. - plastic, aesthetic surgery. -gynecology. -one day surgery.

Services: - massages - rehabilitation - electrotherapy - magnetotherapy - hydrotherapy - laser therapy Branch: Upper Ceiling 280 tel.: 386 327 048

Services: - doula - courses for expectant parents - courses for pregnant women - consultation during pregnancy - accompaniment to childbirth - maternity emergency - postpartum care

Gynecology clinic. Listed at

Sale - gift items - flowers Massage - classic - lava stones - honey - chocolate - Chinese - Hawaiian, ...

Association of Outpatient Specialists. Info center.

Services: Social Services: - social rehabilitation - social therapy workshops - support for independent housing Rehabilitation Center Protected workshops

Hospital with polyclinic. Emergency adult: phone: 487 954 184, 487 954 180 Children's emergency room: Phone: 487 954 520

Specialized counseling for eating disorders.

Services: -cosmetics -manicure -pedicure - massages Retraining courses.

Ralax Center Beroun Services: -cosmetics. -photodepilation. -manicure. - massages.

Services: - massages -reflex therapy -Dorn's method