You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

Rehabilitation: - professional physiotherapy services - electrotherapy - laser - magnetotherapy - sonodyne - ultrasound - Vojt's method - soft tissue techniques - reflex massages - therapeutic physical education - hydrotherapy. We are a contractual partner of insurance companies: - VZP, OZP, VoZP and Media.

Gynecological office - M.D. Bohumil Bradáč - M.D. Hana Kreháková - M.D. Lenka Hochmanová

Healer, biotronic. Other surgeries: Čistovická 7, Prague 6 - Řepy, Bílá Hora.

Courses: -Dorn's method -Breuss massage

Services: - manicure - pedicure - massages - cosmetics

Outpatient care in gynecology and obstetrics Outpatient surgical procedures in the operating room Ultrasound diagnostics in gynecology and obstetrics

Rehabilitation Center: - exercise - classic and sports massages - reflex massages - foot massages - mobilization. Thermal procedures peat, solux, paraffin: - lymphatic drainage - electrotherapy - magnetotherapy - laser, ultrasound.

Internal ambulance. General practitioner for adults.

Psychological counseling and diagnostics.

Medical device: -transportation of patients, -emergency, -assisting services.

Specialist in massages, manual lymphatic drainage and body care. Professional and personal approach. Focus on: - sports and relaxation massages - manual lymphatic drainage - honey and cup massages.

Internist doctor. General Practitioner for Adults. Rehabilitation.

Services: - pilates - yoga athletes - nutritional counseling - lymphotherapy

Gynecological clinic with ultrasound: -professional female doctor.

Internal surgery. General practitioner for adults.

Alternative medicine. Healing. Quantum drift. Personal development.