You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

Dermatology - aesthetic dermatology - venereology.

Gynecological-obstetrics clinic. Continuing education of doctors in gynecology and obstetrics LEVRET - lectures - publication of professional magazines - lifelong learning program.

Marketing exact research - psychodiagnosis - brain training - analysis of promotion, measurement of emotions and cognitive reactions.

Classical homeopathy: -counseling -treatment of the real causes of diseases without side effects -accuprasura, cupping, reflexology, reiki, magnetotherapy, herbs, su-jok.

Massage parlor, massage services. ?Classic, sports, reflex, lymphatic massages ?Dorn's method ?Cutting ?Honey massages ?Ear candles ?Cosmetic massages ?Cinnamon and paraffin wraps ?Manicure, pedicure ?Lymphatic drainage ?Detoxification of the organism ?Mud wraps ?Massage for pregnant women ?Chocolate massages ?Lava stones ?Vacu - ...

We apply natural essential oils that help treat physical and mental illnesses. We teach patients to relax again, get rid of stress and depression.

Radiodiagnostic workplace - Department of Nuclear Medicine.

A psychotronic working with the Chi Kung method. Practice in healing since 1992. Treatment of fractures, spine pain. Removal of geopathogenic zones, search for underground water.

Rehabilitation - classic, sports, relaxation, reflexology massages.

Barber shop, hair salon Massage, reconditioning and regeneration services Operation of solariums

Services: - diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases