You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

Gynecology Brno. Private gynecology-obstetric office Gynecology Brno. Our practice Gynecology Brno focuses on both gynecological issues and obstetric care, including pregnancy consultation.

Dental office, dentist, dentist, located in the center of Brno. The dental team is led by MDDr. Petr Šťasta. In the practice of Dentessa, we promote a humane and professional approach to each patient. We try to make your visit with us as pleasant as possible, so that you leave satisfied and come back to us without any worries. We use modern ...

Dental Surgery. Dr. Marina Pavlova MD Nicole Hagen Dr. Irina Panchenko

Rehabilitation and psychorehabilitation center.

Services - office massages for employees directly in the office.

Private dentist. Private dentist.

Services: -speech and communication center -speech therapist -psychology - occupational therapy

Dermatology - aesthetic dermatology - venereology.

Gynecological-obstetrics clinic. Continuing education of doctors in gynecology and obstetrics LEVRET - lectures - publication of professional magazines - lifelong learning program.