You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

Masseur, nutritionist and personal trainer

Therapy Conscious nutrition - consultation on catering.

Private psychiatric clinic. Psychiatrist, psychotherapist.

Gynecology and obstetrics office.

Special pedagogical care: - correction of specific learning disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia).

Services: - masseur - reconditioning massages - hot stone massage - manual lymphatic massage.

Homeopathic consultation I run a homeopathic consultation. I offer homeopathy, kinesiology, Bach flower therapy. I provide coaching for personal development in private and professional life. I also conduct consultations by phone or Skype. I organize Homeopathy courses.

Massage: - massages. -classic massage. -relaxation massages -cupping. Healing massages.

Services: - EFT therapy - Matrix reimprinting therapy.

Hotel HARRACHOVKA *** - capacity of 101 beds in 33 rooms - family rooms - presidential suite - single, double and triple rooms - swimming pool, sauna, infrared sauna, steam - massages, vibration platform

Alternative medicine, re-connective treatment, channeling regressions. Consulting, finding and solving the causes of physical and psychological problems, working remotely and abroad.