You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

Non-state medical facilities: - professional services in the field of physiotherapy with an emphasis on active therapy - treatment of chronic pain (back, shoulders, neck, joints of limbs).

Surgery: - gynecology - pediatric gynecology - sexology - clinical oncology.

Rehabilitation - lymphatic, relaxing massages - Dorn's method - reflexology and craniosacral therapy.

Activity: - sports medicine - performance tests - sports psychology.

Orthopedic clinic for children and adults. Another doctor's office Polyclinic Mazurská 4 18200 Prague 8 tel. 283024142

Gastroenterology, endoscopy - Olomouc Endocrinology, obesitology - Rev Internal - Review

Ophthalmological care. Eye surgery: - eye examination - entrance and preventive inspections - checks for gray and green cloudiness - contact lenses - examination and sale. - cosmetic procedures on the eyelids and Botox application.

Medical devices - internal medicine, diabetology, endocrinology.

Gynecology clinic. Another ambulance Hnězdenská 2, Prague 8-Bohnice tel. 283 853 555 Hrušovanská nám. 5, Prague 8-Dolní Chabry tel. 266 310 087, 702 016 816

Services: - employee health training - physiotherapy - sports team building events

Private dentist. Stomatological clinic (dentistry). Surgery: - dentist, dentist, dentist.