You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

Surgery, services: - dental, stomatology - dental hygiene

Services: - nutritionist and nutritional consultant

Services: - therapy - tarot cards and automatic drawing

Services: - massages/relaxation, relaxation/, liposuction, natural Hungarian cosmetics, cellulite removal TRIPLLAR-REGEN - non-invasive liposuction - dissolves fat cells - restores collagen fibers - rejuvenates the skin VACU-PRESS - lymphatic massages - cellulite removal - strengthening of the subcutaneous tissue - modeling ...

Surgery, services: - dental, stomatology - aesthetic dentistry - dental surgery - dental hygiene

Services: - private rehabilitation - reflex massages - hydrotherapy

Physiotherapy clinic. Ambulance: Bukov Masarykova 318/b phone: 472 743 371 Fluff Stradovská 384 phone: 475 205 858

Services - aesthetic procedures - cosmetic services - plastic surgery - mesotherapy - manicure, pedicure.

Weight reduction and health studio - drawing up a menu as part of a healthy diet.