You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

You can find our established eye clinic in the polyclinic building on Dukelská Street in Jeseník. We provide professional ophthalmology services in a pleasant and fully equipped environment of our office. We provide comprehensive diagnostic eye care for all age groups of patients, examine and issue relevant certificates (for employers, risky ...

Physiotherapy - stabilization and mobilization of the spine - exercises according to the Method of Ludmila Mojžíšová - exercise on a balance device - manual lymphatic drainage.

Orthopedic ambulance. General practitioner for adults: Aleš Meisner, M.D Antala Stašek 1670/80 tel.: 261 006 414 Aesthetic medicine: Plananská 1 - treatment of cellulite without surgery - lymphatic drainage

Stomatology, dental office. Another ambulance Zborovská 96/62, Prague tel. 734313939

Services - wellness pool - massages - saunas - Jacuzzi - salt Cave.

Polyclinic. Dental office, stomatology MD Jiří Mareš Internal MD Hrabalek tel. 602 417 532 Gynecology MD Mario Shmehil tel. 281,981,801, 777,347,486 Pharmacy phone 281 911 597

Sale of cut, potted, dried and artificial flowers and Hand made products, e.g. costume jewellery, patchwork goods, custom portrait painting and energy pictures. Flower delivery. We also deal with esoterics - intuitive tarot, EFT therapy, intuitive massage, Reiki, automatic drawing, etc.

Services: - cosmetics - massages - nutritional counseling

Services: - masseur - massages - manual lymphatic drainage.

Medical facility - non-state. services: - rehabilitation for adults - child rehabilitation - gynecology - dentistry - practical medicine - pediatrics - neurology and pediatric neurology.

Dental clinic, stomatology. MDDr. Tereza Bacová MDDr. Vanda Urbanková MDDr. Monika Jiroušová MDDr. Lada Stalzerova

Services: - physiotherapy - medical rehabilitation - hydrotherapy

Polyclinic: - first aid medical service -dentist -practitioner.

MD George King - dental office, stomatology.

Services, surgery: - general practitioner for children and adolescents - pediatric cardiology Office, Starodubečská 99/6: - practically a doctor for children and adolescents