The forensic expert will help you with the valuation and estimates of real estate, with expert opinions, establishing a common, general, or market prices, will provide you with assistance in resolving probate, substantive burden, when examining the defects, faults and damages, or when the solution of the succession.

The activity of a forensic expert in the fields of Economics - price and estimates, General engineering and appraiser - Valuation of property for movable property.

Services - forensic expert for the field of economics - estimates and valuation of real estate

Expert witness: - area of water transport.

Activity: - tower clock restorer - forensic expert in the field of tower clocks

Activity: - real estate agency - real estate estimates - expert opinions

Valuation, appraiser: -movable things. -cars, trucks. -buses. -motorcycles.

Services: - valuation, estimation of buildings and land - real estate estimates

Estimates and valuation of real estate, expert assessments of movable and bank assets.

Expert in the field: - healthcare - toxicology. - chemistry - instrumental analysis.

Expert opinions in the field of construction Defects and malfunctions of buildings Diagnostics, remedial proposals - rehabilitation Construction supervision - inspections of concreting - professional consultation Traffic - test laboratory of building materials Educational courses - from the field of construction - for ...

Real estate valuations and appraisals. I will set the statutory and market prices, I will provide an expert opinion of a professional. I will arrange valuations for inheritance proceedings, calculation of real estate transfer tax and donations for private purposes as well.

Activity: - forensic expert in economics and engineering

real estate estimates, expert opinions, real estate inspections

Expert estimates and assessments of real estate for sale, depreciation, inheritance, donation

Services: - a psychologist - forensic psychological assessments - graphological assessments

Services: -Records management. - property valuation.

Expert witness - field of economics - prices and estimates of motor vehicles

Services: -financial advice - expert opinions in the field of economics - administration and collection of receivables Lease: -property - flats - non-residential premises

Market valuation of real estate Preparation of contractual documents for the transfer of real estate, including the removal of legal defects on them

Expert estimates: - estimates of motor vehicles. -estimates of specialized machines.

Real estate appraisals Technical supervision during construction. Realization of buildings, roofs and facades

We will advise you in the field of antiques, collecting, assessment and evaluation.

Property valuation for real estate

Services: - expert opinions -valuation of real estate