The forensic expert will help you with the valuation and estimates of real estate, with expert opinions, establishing a common, general, or market prices, will provide you with assistance in resolving probate, substantive burden, when examining the defects, faults and damages, or when the solution of the succession.

Expert and specialist activity in construction: - geotechnics - soil mechanics - underground structures - geotechnical static calculations and assessments - consulting activity - scientific research activity

Services - property valuation - subsidy consultancy, EU subsidy - economic consultancy.

Forensic expert in the field of textiles, specializing in assessing the quality of textile materials. Consulting services for private individuals and companies Assessing the quality of textile products Processing of professional statements Processing expert opinions

Activity: - processing of project documentation of buildings - building projects - engineering activity - real estate estimates.

Services - valuation and estimates of real estate.

Forensic expert - in the field of forestry.

Forensic expert Ing. Slavomír Černý carries out market valuations of all types and sizes of real estate for clients from the Kroměříž, Vyškov, Zlín and Přerov districts. In addition to estimates, I also prepare expert opinions. Forensic expert, estimates, expert opinions, valuation: - all types of real estate - grounds - family and ...

Services - real estate appraiser - expert opinions - property valuation.

Carrying out expert and expert assessments Services: - expert opinions - liquidation of damages - conciliation commission - training center.

DARA - expert office Prague is an expert institute specializing in the valuation of intangible assets and real estate. Our experienced team of experts focuses on the valuation of the entire spectrum of company assets. We are also able to provide valuations on a property basis. Expert institute, services: - real estate prices and estimates - ...

Forensic expert Ing. Miloš Hemer specializes in the valuation of real estate of all kinds, houses, apartments, non-residential premises and industrial buildings. The services of a court expert are mainly offered in Prague in the city districts of Prague 6, Prague 7, Prague 8 and Prague 13. Forensic expert, price estimates, valuation: - real ...

Expert opinions and real estate price estimates Architectural activity.

Expert opinions - transport - traffic accidents - technical condition of motor vehicles, estimates - prices of motor vehicles.

Services - technical supervision, expert and expert activity in construction.

Property valuation for movable and immovable property.

It provides - economic consulting, valuation, real estate, expert opinions.

Forensic expert in the field of patents and inventions.

Services - expert valuation of property - public share buybacks.

Valuation of real estate - estimate, expert opinion.

Expert office: - valuation, estimates of real estate.

Expert witness - field of agriculture - the field of fruit growing and horticulture with the specialization of botanist - plant physiology - assessment of plant condition - determination of the degree of damage and the causes of plant damage.

Forensic expert - construction and economy of the industry, prices and real estate estimates. Engineering activity. Projection - architecture. Projection - industrial and warehouse premises.