The forensic expert will help you with the valuation and estimates of real estate, with expert opinions, establishing a common, general, or market prices, will provide you with assistance in resolving probate, substantive burden, when examining the defects, faults and damages, or when the solution of the succession.

Expert office Danielis Trutnov specializes in real estate and business valuation. We prepare estimates and expert opinions on the valuation of real estate and companies, especially for clients from the Hradec Králové Region. Expert opinions, estimates, valuation, forensic expert: - real estate - family houses, flats, apartment houses - ...

Ing. Galina Ožanová forensic expert specializing in real estate prices and estimates in the Kraslicko microregion. Forensic expert, elaboration of: - real estate appraisals - expert opinions - real estate valuation - real estate price estimates. I have perfect knowledge, overview and professional experience in a specific microregion ...

Services: - Forensic expert in the field of economics, industry prices and estimates, with a special specialization in securities valuation

Services - Forensic expert in the field of economics, industry prices and estimates.

ZERO + REAL ESTATE ESTIMATES Construction projection: -design work - constructions -real estate estimates.

Services - certified real estate appraiser - real estate valuation.

Services - environmental impact assessment.

Professional zoologist - biological evaluation, surveys, assessments - biological surveillance.

Sale of real estate, purchase, lease, estimation of real estate value, consultations, consultancy in the field of transfer and investment in real estate, consultations and consultancy in the field of mortgage and consumer loans.

Authorized engineer, energy specialist and forensic expert. Real estate appraisal expertise for: -finance office, courts and other state bodies -banks, building societies -heritance management. Engineering activity: -preparation and investment planning -property agenda -organization of public procurement -consulting under ...

Services: - valuation of property of companies, machines, engineering technologies, movables, motor vehicles .... etc. - expert opinions

Expert opinions, estimates: - real estate.

Forensic expert, expert opinions: - real estate, houses, cottages, non-residential premises - real estate price estimates.

Tax and expert office - tax and accounting advice - property valuation.

Activity: - verification and assessment of building structures - assessment of defects, failures of load-bearing and non-load-bearing parts of buildings - elaboration of expert opinions.

Services - real estate valuations and estimates.

Engineering office, services: - technical supervision of the investor - technical supervision of the builder - expert opinions and market estimates of real estate

Expert office - testimonials - thermal images - passports - official award.

Services: - expert witness - economics, engineering

Activity: - valuation of movable property: - cars, trucks - construction, agricultural machinery - equipment for offices, restaurants - consumer electronics.