Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Sales representative of the insurance company Allianz.

Bookkeeping - tax records - salary and personnel agenda.

Services: - bookkeeping - keeping tax records - managing the payroll - economic consultancy

Services: - accounting processing - tax advice -Courses and training - web design - programming activity

Services: - expert office for motor vehicles

Sales representative Českomoravská stavební spořitelna.

Insurance broker, financial advice - mediation of insurance of persons, property, vehicles - mortgages, loans, savings.

Financial services - loans, mortgages, loans, leasing.

Services: -bookkeeping -processing of tax returns

Services: - bookkeeping - payroll processing

Services: - bookkeeping - accounting consultancy

Services: - financial advice - insurance adviser

Services: - bookkeeping - processing of tax records

Services: - insurance of persons, property, motor vehicles, liability

Services: - bookkeeping - processing of double-entry bookkeeping.

Tax consultancy - economic consultancy - bookkeeping - tax records.

Estimator in the fields of road and urban transport - assessing the technical condition of motor vehicles.

Services: - administration, maintenance of real estate

Services: - provision of financial credits and loans - non-bank loans - pawn shop activity - Real estate activities - purchase of cars, machines and accessories - construction activity