Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Sales Representative: - Czech-Moravian Savings Bank

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping, tax records

- tax advisor, legal assistance and financial and economic advice in matters of taxes, levies, fees and payments

Occupational safety and health and safety: - search, evaluation and prevention risks -categorization of works - training of senior employees and employees -driver training -training in the area of: - woodworking, metalworking - construction, road transport - agriculture, education, healthcare -chainsaws etc. - ...

Law Office - general practice - civil law, commercial and family divorces, common property of spouses Enforcement of pledge decisions, debt collection

Law Office - Business Law - protection of industrial and intellectual property

Financial advice - loans - fuses - stocks Graphic Design Internet marketing

Consulting for economics, law and human resources management - analysis of the current situation in terms of economy, law and human resources - designing savings and ways to increase work efficiency - searching for optimal ways of financing All in the form of external consultancy or temporary management of the company. We focus ...

I offer double-entry bookkeeping, payroll and tax returns.

Services: - provision of insurance arrangements.

Services: -solutions for the client to obtain compensation in the event of accidents, occupational accidents and the like.

Services: -insurance brokerage.

Do you need legal advice or notarization? We provide all notary services with an office in Česká Třebová. Visit us during business hours on Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Notary services - notary deposits - real estate transfers

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping, tax records