Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Traditional application for monitoring public registers, especially risk factors such as insolvency, non-payment of VAT, foreclosure on a share in a company, etc. Monitoring of natural and legal persons. You will be notified by e-mail of important information about your debtors, customers, business partners, etc.

Comprehensive services in the field of accounting, tax records and property taxes. We will prepare documents for projects, loans, banks, leasing and others. Preparation of contracts, invoicing, execution of payment orders, representation at authorities.

We offer advantageous solutions for debts, foreclosures, unfavorable loans. You are in a bad financial situation, you can't pay your monthly expenses, debts, consumer loans, you are threatened with foreclosure, or you already have foreclosure, we will help you. We deal with each client individually and try to provide ...

Law office of Mgr.Pavel Andrle based in Ostrava and branch office in Vítkov provides complete legal services in the field of civil, family and criminal law such as petition for divorce, debt collection, creation of contracts, etc. As part of its activities, it cooperates with forensic experts, interpreters and executors. Representation of ...

Are you in danger of being banned from driving or getting points? Has your driver's license been suspended? We will represent you before the administrative body of both first and second instance. We will also represent you in court in the event of a criminal offence. You will not lose your driver's license. Free expert consultation.

Health insurance. Green line 800 213 213, non-stop operation. Monday 8.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00 Tuesday 8.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 15.30 Wednesday 8.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 17.00 Thursday 8.00 - 12.00 13.00 - 15.30 Friday 8.00 - 12.00

Insolvency administrator and liquidator Services: - expert opinions and expert estimates in the areas of: - valuation of the company, intangible assets, receivables, securities, devices, machines, technological units, mergers, real estate.

Valuation - enterprises - movable and immovable property - intangible assets and property rights - receivables and payables - values of shares and securities

The Institute of Experts prepares expert opinions and expert opinions in the field of economics. We provide valuation of real estate and businesses, we value your property. We will also value receivables, securities, and we will also value property rights.

Expert witness: - valuation of vehicles, machines, movables and analysis traffic accidents.

Expert opinions - estimates - fields of economics and engineering

Static assessments in the field of small statics, such as structural failure, partial building modifications, reconstruction of the housing core, etc.

Law Office. Legal (legal) services: - Business Law - Civil Law - real estate - labor law - intellectual property law - insolvency law - debt collection - construction law - insurance law - Criminal Law.

JUDr. Šárka Apltauerová from Ostrava specializes in family law - petitions for divorce, alimony, settlement of marital property, and insolvency law - drawing up petitions for debt relief. It also deals with matters relating to commercial and civil law, inheritance law, labor and criminal law and execution. Our barrier-free office can be found ...

Notarial office JUDr. Josef Kawulok provides his clients with a complete and comprehensive range of notarial activities. We have more than thirty years of experience in the field and we pride ourselves on a comprehensive approach to the client and his needs. We assist you in setting up companies, verifying the authenticity of signatures, drafting ...

Accounting services. Accounting, tax and payroll records, processing tax returns. Economic consultancy.

Services: - advice on housing finance and building savings.