Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Law Office - insolvency, civil and land law - protection of personality - sale and transformation of the company

Law Office - civil law, labor law, criminal law and family divorces, common property of spouses

Law Office - housing law, civil law, commercial law, family divorce law, joint property of spouses and criminal law

Financial advisor services. Financial advice. Mediation, negotiation: - personal insurance - life and accident insurance - property insurance.

Law Office - housing law, family divorces, common property of spouses and criminal law - minor children care, alimony

Services: - processing, accounting - keeping tax records, processing tax returns, taxes - management of payroll, wages, salaries - HR services.

Services: - consultancy in the field of personal, company and property insurance.

Services in the field of construction: - assessment of construction technical problems and defects in buildings residential, industrial and agricultural. Services in the field of economics: - real estate prices and estimates - valuation of enterprises, including valuation of mining enterprises and corporate property, securities, ...

Help with traffic violations - arbitration Auctions Processing proposals for debt relief - realization of receivables Mediation - sale and rental of real estate Mediation - sale and rental of real estate

Services: - management, processing of accounting - management of the tax agenda, processing of tax returns, taxes - management of payroll, personnel records. Offer of administrative work for disadvantaged citizens. Possibility of replacement.

Activity: - economic and organizational consulting. Business activity, mediation of services. Accommodation - accommodation and hotel services. Real estate agency. Intermediation of services in the field of construction and agriculture. Purchase, sale and storage of fuels and lubricants, including their import. Operation of gas stations ...

Service: - measurement of car body paints Checking the identity of vehicles. Expert opinions. Sandblasting: - auto glass

Law Office - housing law, civil, business and family divorces, common property of spouses - mergers and acquisitions

Tax services Accounting services Buyout of companies - crisis management of companies Realization of receivables Marketing consultancy

Law Office - copyright, commercial, tort and criminal law Enforcement of pledge decisions, debt collection

Taxes Knowledge - accounting, wages Housing administration HR

Development and implementation: - the EIS APSO information system - custom programming - creation of web applications B2B, B2C - outsourcing. - Intel platform - Hewlett-Packard servers - operating system - UNIX, Linux, Windows NT, Windows XP, .... Training: - EIS APSO information system modules - PROGRESS RDBMS database ...