Banks and non-bank companies offering financial products, such as mortgages, consumer loans, untied loans and financial or operational leases. Among the popular loans include the loans without collateral, no proof of income or without access to the registry.

Services: -Building Society - banking products -car insurance - mortgages.

Modrá pyramida stavební spořitelna, a.s. Building savings. Loans allocated, bridging, renovation. Dealership: - Železný Brod, Příčná 350, phone: 606 655 171

Services: - construction savings (Blue Pyramid) -credits.

Komerční banka general savings bank. Services, provision: - building savings (Blue Pyramid) - credits, loans, mortgages.

Blue pyramid construction savings bank. Products: - building savings - housing loans - loans - current account - insurance (Pyramid risk life insurance, property insurance, liability insurance). Client helpline: - phone: 800101554.

Branch Construction savings bank, savings: - pension insurance - loans, mortgages, loans.

Services - building savings - pension insurance - loans from building savings - building and personal insurance

Sales Representative - Czech-Moravian Savings Bank Other contact address: Nerudova 330 572 01 Shelf

Flask. Banking, money services: - mortgages, loans, credits - mutual funds - savings products - Life Insurance - pension insurance - building savings - online securities trading - current, foreign exchange accounts - e-banking - Credit cards - insurance (life, travel or payment card insurance). Headquarters: - Prague 5 - ...

Offer of services: -Commercial credits: -for legal entities/corporate bodies and natural persons -for local authorities and municipal offices -Consumer credits: -for natural persons -Electronic banking: -GSM Banking and CSOB Phone 24, CSOB Homebanking 24 -Entrepreneurial account - POSTKONTO -Personal account - POSTZIRO -Complementary ...

Flask. Branches: - Brno, Holandská 8 (Spielberk center) phone: 543432511, -Brno, Svratecká 1247/4 (Chimney phone: 541518511, - Brno, Veveří 111 tel.: 545566111, - Brno, Milady Horáková tel.: 545566111, - Brno, 56 ...

Branch. Services: - pension insurance - life and accident insurance - loans, credits, mortgages - travel insurance - Car insurance.

Branch. Services: - pension insurance - life and accident insurance - loans, credits, mortgages - travel insurance - Car insurance.

Postal Savings Bank: - modern banking services (electronic banking) at branches and any of the 3,400 post offices in the Czech Republic -company and private accounts (Postjiro, Postkonto, EUROGIRO), deposits, loans, loans).

Branch. Services: - pension insurance - life and accident insurance - loans, credits, mortgages - travel insurance - Car insurance.

Era financial center Postal Savings Bank. Bank accounts (personal account, first account, euro account). Savings and investments. Housing loans. Travel insurance, liability insurance, accident insurance and household insurance.

Flask. Banking, money services: - mortgages, loans, credits - mutual funds - savings products - Life Insurance - pension insurance - building savings - online securities trading - current, foreign exchange accounts - e-banking - Credit cards - insurance (life, travel or payment card insurance). Headquarters: - Prague 5 - ...

Flask. Bank services: - mortgages, credits, loans - online banking - bonds, share issues - Credit cards - insurance - letters of credit and collection - saving, investing and capitalizing on money - pension insurance - accounts - domestic non-cash payment system - foreign and domestic currency payment system.