Every responsible driver should arrange a state compulsory insurance, optional accident insurance, or complete insurance of your vehicle. It is possible to arrange and car insurance older cars or damage liability and accident insurance for motorcycles.

Insurance: - for vehicles, drivers, employees of the entrepreneur

Insurance products: - insurance, life - insurance, retirement pension - insurance, personal accident - insurance, buildings - insurance, household properties - insurance, damage liability - insurance, motor vehicles - insurance, entrepreneurs - insurance, agricultural - insurance, travel - insurance, properties of ...

Insurance company. Product offer: - Life Insurance - pension insurance - accident insurance - building insurance - household property insurance - liability insurance - motor insurance - business insurance - agricultural insurance - travel insurance - municipal property insurance - property insurance of housing ...

Mediation - arranging insurance: - compulsory liability, accident insurance - insurance of industry and entrepreneurs - home and household insurance - additional accident insurance - comprehensive health insurance for foreigners.

Insurance company. Insurance of persons: -life insurance, study and wedding insurance, insurance for a lump sum, accident insurance -insurance of daily benefits during hospitalization and disablement/disability insurance -travel insurance/voyage policy. Property insurance: -Household and Property insurance, Housing, Weekend -agriculture ...