Financial advice in the areas of personal, but also corporate finance includes advice on how to reduce expenses and increase revenue. Part of the service is determining the financial objectives of the council as at the effective funding, analysis of income and expenditure and drawing up a financial plan.

Investment advice and the real estate market.

Services: - investment in enterprises - corporate, financial consulting - appreciation of free funds

VATAonline is a Czech non-banking provider of short-term online loans. We will lend you from 100 to 5,000 CZK. You determine the maturity of the loan, the maximum is 35 days. However, you can extend the maturity by up to another 30 days. This quick payday loan is online, you don't have to sign a written contract. The money is sent to your bank ...

Activity: - investment, strategic consulting - management consulting.

Services: - stock market brokerage and individualized investment advice.

Ediga Group performs: - debt relief for individuals, spouses, self-employed persons and companies - declaration of personal bankruptcy - advice on executions. We provide debt relief, the so-called personal bankruptcy, according to insolvency law. We help with the settlement of debts of companies and self-employed persons through ...

Insurance, subsidies, energy, finance, construction, project management.

Professional free real estate debt counseling. We specialize in solving all situations related to real estate ownership. We will help you solve foreclosures, auctions and liens. We will take care of the payment of all debts related to real estate, we will provide financing, we will advise on the market estimate of the price of the real estate, we ...

Services: - investment advice - corporate reengineering - revitalization of the company

Debt collection for citizens, companies and the state throughout the Czech Republic and the EU. No deposits, commissions only when recovered. We recover receivables from one hundred crowns, we also make repurchases.

We offer loan intermediation to bridge short-term financial needs against liability for real estate, movables and rights (stocks, bonds, shares, bills, cars, goods, technology, antiques, land, buildings, houses, apartments, gardens, forests, gold, precious stones, etc. owned by the debtor and third parties for a period of 1 day to 12 months, with ...

Investment consulting, sale of works of art, art

Consulting - subsidies - preparation, administration and evaluation of projects

Activity: - investment and grant advice - project management - regional development and strategic planning - procurement

Financial institutions providing financial services to hospitals and their suppliers - financial advice for healthcare providers and medical facilities.

We specialize in the current quarterly price index for residential real estate on shared data of mortgage providers. We revalue mortgaged properties to the current market value. We prepare an annual comprehensive forecast of the development of the residential real estate market.

Services: - investment in real estate and manufacturing companies - providing advice on property management and maintenance and property management - Providing advice on acquisitions, mergers and corporate finance.