Financial advice in the areas of personal, but also corporate finance includes advice on how to reduce expenses and increase revenue. Part of the service is determining the financial objectives of the council as at the effective funding, analysis of income and expenditure and drawing up a financial plan.

We focus on helping people with their financial needs. Our specialty is saving real estate from auctions and forced sales. We will ensure fast payment of all debts and foreclosures, or temporary purchase of real estate by a proven and solid investor. We can also deal with negative entries in the registers.

Services: - financial broker - financial advice - payment of foreclosures and creditors - refinancing of bad loans - consolidation of loans - loans, mortgages, loans

Financial planning, financial services, insurance

- Financial planning - mBank contact point - consulting activities (loans, savings, insurance)

- public auctions - economic consultancy - crisis management

Providing information on the system of grant titles. Participation in the creation and formulation of business plans. Processing of applications for grant titles.

Services: - debt collection and other services - monitoring the maturity of issued invoices - during recovery, we do not require any advances from clients, payments in advance

Services: - financial advice - insurance services

Sales representative of Českomoravská stavební spořitelna.

Printing of polyamide and fibrous casings

Services: - assistance in both export and import activities

Regional grant center eNovation s.r.o. is a consulting company that helps its clients support their business with public support. We will provide for you: - Consultation of project plans - Finding suitable grant titles (grant audit) - Formulation of business plan and feasibility study - Processing of complete grant application - AfterCare - ...

Services: - securing all types of loans and borrowings - Real estate activities - financial advice

Services: - financial and economic consultancy

Services: - procurement activities in public procurement - complete processing of procurement procedures based on the requirements of contracting authorities

ČMSS Financial and Advisory Center - arranging building savings and housing loans with Českomoravská stavební spořitelna.

Activity: - insurance mediation - receivables trade - financing.

Services for debtors - an overview of commitments - budget creation - assessment of the potential for personal bankruptcy - advice and filing for personal bankruptcy - debt elimination.