Financial advice in the areas of personal, but also corporate finance includes advice on how to reduce expenses and increase revenue. Part of the service is determining the financial objectives of the council as at the effective funding, analysis of income and expenditure and drawing up a financial plan.

Audit services Tax consultancy Accounting consultancy

Accounting, tax advisor Legal assistance and financial and economic advice in matters of taxes, levies, fees and other similar payments

Economic consultancy - financial advice Organizational consulting Bookkeeping - consultancy - leadership.

Economic consultancy Organizational consulting Bookkeeping Organizing - courses - training - seminars.

Advertising agency activity. Rental and lending of movable property. Providing software. Consulting in the field of hardware and software. Consulting - financial, economic. Business and organizational consulting. Data processing. Network management. Courses, training and other educational events.

Financial advisor, pension, life, accident insurance. Pension, life, accident insurance.

Services: - economic, financial consulting - accounting consultancy - tax advice.

Tax consultancy, income tax, road tax, inheritance tax - tax optimization - processing of tax returns for all taxes Bookkeeping - keeping tax records - one-time processing of accounting and tax records - accounting consultancy. Advice.

Services: - financial advice, services of a financial advisor - tax consultancy, tax consultant services.

Economic consultancy Accounting consultancy.

Audit services Tax consultancy - processing of tax returns Economic consultancy Accounting consultancy Valuation and expert opinions - enterprises and their parts - intangible assets (know-how, trademarks) - securities - immovable and movable property.

Provides - financial advice - banking services, mortgages, loans - savings - insurance.

Project Office. Project activity in the construction industry. Engineering activity. Financial advice.

Financial advice, property insurance, liability and non-bank and bank loans and credits.

It provides - economic consulting, valuation, real estate, expert opinions.

Services: - insurance - loans - loans - savings.