Entrust the economy and accounting of your company to professionals who will take care of tax filing, accounting, payroll, human resources, taxes and their optimization and representation before the relevant administrative authorities. The services and economic advice.

Tax consultancy Accounting consultancy - bookkeeping

Sale - varnishes - sealants Financial advice Knowledge - accounting Sales and rental - sales of grinding machines - abrasive

Comprehensive tax advice Economic consultancy Bookkeeping - payroll processing and employee records

Processing - VAT consulting Knowledge - simple, double-entry bookkeeping - wages Real estate activities

We offer comprehensive accounting, tax records, HR, payroll and tax processing for legal entities and individuals at favorable prices.

Tax consultancy Economic consultancy Accounting consultancy - bookkeeping

Tax consultancy Accounting and business system processing - accounting processing - payroll processing

We offer bookkeeping and tax records, payroll processing, accounting supervision, accounting reconstruction and representation before the authorities.

Bookkeeping: - bookkeeping and tax records - reconstruction of accounting - professional supervision of accounting - accounting consultancy - introduction of the company's accounting system - professional assistance with financial statements. Wages: - payroll processing - personnel and salary consultancy. - managing the ...

Complex processing of accounting and taxes - accounting consultancy

Truck transport - wastes - gravel - sand Tax return Financial advice Bookkeeping - tax records - payroll processing Earth and excavation works

Legal assistance and financial and economic advice in matters of taxes, levies, fees and other similar payments, as well as in matters directly related to taxes.

We provide comprehensive services in the area of investments, corporate finance, taxes and accounting.

Accounting and tax records, payroll processing. Reconstruction of accounting, tax returns, tax optimization, economic and accounting advice. Individual approach is a matter of course!

Accounting for small and medium-sized companies, tax records, payroll processing, representation at authorities. Keeping all prescribed records, processing organizational guidelines, documents for processing the loan. VAT. income tax, road tax. Cooperation with a tax advisor.

Business and consulting activities Real estate service