Entrust the economy and accounting of your company to professionals who will take care of tax filing, accounting, payroll, human resources, taxes and their optimization and representation before the relevant administrative authorities. The services and economic advice.

Consulting and accounting services: ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING: - bookkeeping on own software - accounting and financial consulting - implementation and reconstruction of accounting systems and methodology - system and statutory audit (sd) - payroll processing (sd). STATEMENT PROCESSING: - statements according to international ...

Tax return - processing of income tax returns - road tax declaration Bookkeeping - payroll agendas - tax records - processing of the book of received invoices and liabilities - processing of the book of issued receivable invoices - processing of bank statements - settlement of cash payments - receipts, shops ...

Provides - financial advice Bookkeeping - leadership - payroll agenda

Economic consultancy Knowledge - accounting, tax consultancy, wages, VAT.

Processing limits - bookkeeping and tax records

Economic consultancy Forensic expert in the field of economics

Accounting, bookkeeping and tax records, overviews for insurance companies - tax returns - accounting and economic consulting

Lautia offers clients double-entry bookkeeping, including all related operations, in particular: double-entry bookkeeping, including financial statements, i.e. balance sheet and profit and loss statement; checking accounting and tax documents in terms of legal requirements; processing of draft returns for value added tax; ...

complete management of the accounting agenda of self-employed persons and companies

Offering auditing, bookkeeping, tax and economic consulting

Everything about finance, accounting and wages. Bookkeeping, payroll processing, consulting. Sale of accounting systems Money S3 and Money S4

Tax records - tax advice Bookkeeping - wages - HR - accounting consultancy - monthly income tax advance payments - social and health insurance - pay slips - pension insurance registration forms

Services: - bookkeeping - management of payroll for small and large organizations - accounting and tax consulting - processing of tax records - processing of all tax returns (including joint taxation of spouses)

Bookkeeping Keeping tax records Payroll processing

Complete IT outsourcing, server and network management, SW&HW service, remote management, structured cabling, e-shop. Accounting and tax consultancy. Wages

Bookkeeping Delivery - computers - purchase advice Management - computers

We started doing business in the field of accounting as individuals already in 1993. In 2003, we finally joined forces and founded the FANTOZZI limited liability company. We offer complex processing of accounting for natural persons - tax records (originally simple accounting) as well as processing of accounting (originally double-entry ...