Entrust the economy and accounting of your company to professionals who will take care of tax filing, accounting, payroll, human resources, taxes and their optimization and representation before the relevant administrative authorities. The services and economic advice.

Tax advice and services Business and property valuation Legal advice Personnel consulting and recruitment Association FOR foreign investments

Center of services to entrepreneurs, s.r.o. We provide accounting and consulting services for entrepreneurs: - accounting consultancy - keeping tax records - accounting processing - keeping records for liabilities and receivables - annual financial statements - accounting supervision and other service. - bookkeeping - provision ...

Payroll audit Complete bookkeeping, tax records - accounting consultancy - wages and human resources

Global auditing and consulting firm. Services: - audit - tax advice - risk management and consulting services - financial advice

Taxes - confession - consultancy Bookkeeping - leadership - consultancy

Tax consultancy Housing cooperatives Fellowship of owners

Processing - tax returns Knowledge - accounting - tax records - salary and personnel agenda.

Audit services Tax consultancy Accounting consultancy

Processing - VAT return, road tax, income tax Processing - accounting - tax records - wages

Processing of tax returns - representation at the authorities Bookkeeping - payroll processing and HR - accounting consultancy - representation at the authorities - keeping tax records Property management.

Processing of tax returns Accounting office - bookkeeping - payroll agenda - tax records