Entrust the economy and accounting of your company to professionals who will take care of tax filing, accounting, payroll, human resources, taxes and their optimization and representation before the relevant administrative authorities. The services and economic advice.

Services: - management, processing of accounting - keeping tax records, processing tax returns, taxes - management of the payroll, processing of wages, calculation of deductions from wages on the basis of the execution conducted.

Services: - management, processing of accounting - keeping tax records, processing tax returns - processing of wages, management of the payroll agenda - HR services - representing clients before the authorities.

Tax consultancy Accounting consultancy processing - payroll agendas - accounting

Law Office - lawyer services - tax advice - bookkeeping

Accounting and tax advisor: - tax return processing natural or legal persons and companies - processing of the basis for loans - representation during financial controls office (OSSZ) and health insurance companies -maintenance of tax records and duplicate tax records bookkeeping - accounting for bankruptcy ...

ADVERTISEMENT: - complete printing service - graphic designs - pre-printing preparation - implementation - all types of printed matter (brochures, price lists, catalogs, calendars, business cards, company magazines, advertisements, product packaging) - advertisement - advertising campaign strategy - media plan - provision ...

Performs services: - forensic expert in the field of economics - wages (wage audit, wage claims, wage compensation, compensation for loss of earnings in the event of work accidents, travel compensation, claims from invalid termination of employment, severance pay etc.) - accounting (including inventory, shortages and damages, settlement of ...

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping Providing legal assistance and financial economic advice in matters of taxes, levies, fees and other similar payments, as well as in matters directly related to taxes Processing of expert opinions in the fields - economy - branch of accounting records and - economy - various economic branches - ...

Bookkeeping. Organizational and economic consulting. Bankruptcy consultancy. Public auctions. Sale of property.

Bookkeeping, tax returns, representation of clients at the authorities Comprehensive accounting and tax services - accounting consultancy - bookkeeping - tax records - processing of DPFO, DPPO, SD, VAT taxes - managing the payroll

Processing of all tax returns - from the income of natural persons and legal entities - value added taxes - road taxes - real estate - from the transfer of real estate - gift taxes - calculation of tax from dependent activity - calculation of withholding tax - tax advice Bookkeeping - ...

Legal and accounting activities: - Consulting in business and management - mortgage, mortgages, mortgage loans.

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping, tax records Audit, taxes, accounting

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping, tax records

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping, tax records

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping, tax records -Economic consultancy

Accounting and auditing activities and their review, tax consultancy, accounting, tax records, VAT, wages and taxes

Services, consulting: - bookkeeping and tax records, payroll processing, liquidation of companies, entities in bankruptcy - representation of companies before the Financial Office - tax advice - payroll processing and HR - accounting, economic and organizational consulting - processing of tax returns - provision of audit for legal ...

Project activity. - architectural studies - family houses - garages and sheds - reconstruction - visualization Economic services. - bookkeeping - tax records - HR - wages - safety - education and counseling Photography. - processing - photography courses - weddings - blackboard - schools and kindergartens - ...

Tax services and consulting Accounting services and consulting

Services - processing of tax returns - bookkeeping - tax records - personnel and salary agenda

Services: -bookkeeping -economic consultancy - web design -organization of courses

Tax consultancy Financial advice Knowledge - accounting - tax records accounting - wages