Entrust the economy and accounting of your company to professionals who will take care of tax filing, accounting, payroll, human resources, taxes and their optimization and representation before the relevant administrative authorities. The services and economic advice.

The company AB Ekonomi, s.r.o. provides comprehensive accounting services, tax processing, payroll and personnel records. Accounting processing: - simple accounting - double-entry bookkeeping - financial statements. Tax consulting, tax processing: - income tax for self-employed and companies - VAT - road tax. Wage agenda: - ...

Market research Advertising and promotional activities Purchase and sale of computer equipment Activities of organizational and economic consultants Brokerage activity in the scope of free trade Consulting in the field of trade and services in the scope of free trade Mediation of sale, lease and purchase of real estate (real estate ...

Providing software Accounting management Automated data processing Leasing activity in the scope of free trade Advertising, promotional and exhibition activities Economic, accounting and organizational consulting Publishing activity in the scope of free trade Consultation and advice in the field of hardware and software Buying, selling and ...

Translation and interpreting activities Official, professional, artistic translations Language proofreading Consecutive, simultaneous, accompanying interpretation, chuchotage Interpreting technique Organizing educational events, conferences, fairs, seminars and training Organization of cultural, social and sports events