Entrust the economy and accounting of your company to professionals who will take care of tax filing, accounting, payroll, human resources, taxes and their optimization and representation before the relevant administrative authorities. The services and economic advice.

Audit activity Tax advice Accounting activity

Bookkeeping: - double entry accounting for FO and PO - keeping tax records (simple accounting) for FO - compilation of income tax return FO and PO.

Services: -bookkeeping -tax records Delivery, sale: -Accounting programs Production of homemade jams

Accounting and tax office - bookkeeping - tax records - human resources and wages. Another office - address: Mariánské nám. 2, Znojmo.

Services: - accounting - tax records - wages

We keep accounts and process tax returns.

Services - audit - tax advice - accounting - valuation.

Accounting services: - tax records - wages - accounting

Advice and consultation for entrepreneurs -professional activities in the field of business - trade, legislation, business plan, calculations, etc. -bookkeeping -Company Formation -ensuring corporate identity -long-term cooperation -security of basic service -consultation with legal advice. We are an experienced and stable team and we ...

Services: Processing of tax records and accounting for FO and PO.

Services - bookkeeping - keeping tax records - payroll processing.

Services: - economic - administrative - real estate management for apartment owners, for tenants, for the owner's community, for the cooperative. Real estate agency.

Financial, accounting and tax advice for your business

Accounting, taxes, administration.

Services: - construction projection - investors technical Supervision - accounting - development activity

We offer services: administrative administration, svj accounting, software solution, SVJ, tax returns, double entry accounting, owners 'meeting, joint representative, unit handover protocol, representation at the meeting, committee chairman, repair fund, committee members' fees, SVJ committee, community of owners.

We focus on economic, payroll, personnel and tax consulting. We offer bookkeeping and auditing. We will make all tax returns, submit reports or control reports.

We provide comprehensive services in the areas of internal audit, compliance, risk management, fraud prevention and detection, and consulting for banks, financial institutions, corporations and companies.

Offer bookkeeping, tax records, payroll processing, tax returns and other services in accounting and tax consulting.

Accounting and tax services: - processing of declarations - consulting - payroll management

Services: -bookkeeping -tax records -payment processing.