Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Development company Art&Building s.r.o. operates in the segment of the real estate market with a focus on the renovation and furnishing of luxury apartments. The company also deals with the management of these objects, financial consultancy and the preparation of real estate for sale or rent.

Legal services. Criminal, employment, civil and family law.

Law Office. Specialization in Law: -commercial -financial - civil -family -working.

We provide accounting, tax return processing and real estate management. We provide administrative assistance in the form of an online secretary.

Investment company. Development activity. Support for the development of the commercial, office, residential and logistics sectors.

Real estate broker. Real estate activities Financial advice. Mortgage and business loans.

Processing: - tax returns, tax advice Management and reconstruction: - accounting - tax records - personnel and payroll accounting consultancy

Advice: -accountant - economic - tax.

Double-entry bookkeeping and tax records, payroll processing for large and small companies, accounting reconstruction and consulting, processing of all taxes by a tax advisor

A tax advisor provides legal assistance and financial and economic advice in matters of taxes, levies, fees and other similar payments, as well as in matters directly related to taxes.

Offer of legal services. Providing legal advice.

Offering legal services with a focus on commercial, civil, criminal, administrative and copyright law. Resolution of cross-border disputes in Austria and Germany.

Offer of law firm services focusing on civil, commercial, administrative and criminal law.

Offer of law firm services in the field of civil, commercial, labor and health law.

Offer of attorney services, complete legal activity.

We offer the execution of all work connected with the creation of accounting documents and their accounting. We use constantly updated professional accounting software. We ensure the processing and submission of all tax returns. On the basis of a power of attorney, we normally represent customers in negotiations and inspections.

Services: - accounting - keeping tax records and wages

Services: -bookkeeping - keeping tax records and wages

We offer: - audit services - tax advice - human resources and wages - accounting services - valuation - economic and organizational consulting