Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Processing: - taxes, tax consulting. Economic, accounting consultancy. Knowledge: - accounting - salary and personnel agenda.

Services: -mediation of insurance, leasing, loans - administration of insurance contracts - liquidation of insurance claims.

Financial consultation and advice Receivables - administration - enforcement

Processing - tax return Real estate activities - residential premises Real estate activities - non-residential premises Management of apartment buildings - management of administrative buildings Regeneration and revitalization of houses

Services: -legal advice -Law Office -verification of signatures -Purchase Contract.

We offer bookkeeping and tax records, payroll processing, accounting supervision, accounting reconstruction and representation before the authorities.

Tax consultancy Accounting, payroll and personnel consulting

Law Office - general practice - housing and inheritance law.

Bookkeeping: - bookkeeping and tax records - reconstruction of accounting - professional supervision of accounting - accounting consultancy - introduction of the company's accounting system - professional assistance with financial statements. Wages: - payroll processing - personnel and salary consultancy. - managing the ...

Complex processing of accounting and taxes - accounting consultancy

Sales Representative - Czech-Moravian Savings Bank

Mediation including consultancy - mortgages - consumer credits and loans Mediation including consultancy - property and personal insurance - pension insurance - building savings

Tax processing - tax advice Provides - economic consultancy Bookkeeping - leadership - accounting consultancy

Delivery, assembly, repairs: - residential water and heating measuring and regulation technology - for house and apartment owners. We offer: - complex property management -simple, double-entry bookkeeping -plumbing work - locksmith work.

Truck transport - wastes - gravel - sand Tax return Financial advice Bookkeeping - tax records - payroll processing Earth and excavation works

Legal assistance and financial and economic advice in matters of taxes, levies, fees and other similar payments, as well as in matters directly related to taxes.