Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Audit services. Tax, accounting advice.

Offer debt collection, detective services and consultancy. Services for leasing companies.

Non-bank loans. We provide easy and fast financial loans from our own resources, real estate guarantees as a condition. Loans without proof of income.

Tax consultancy Accounting and business system processing - accounting processing - payroll processing

Investment company - specialization in investments in private equity, information technology and media

Economic consultancy - family management Online sale of art objects Security - professional assessments of art objects Mediation - buying and selling real estate Organizing - conference on the desired topic Organizing - training on the desired topic

Quick loans, short-term loans and online loans. All this is brought to the Czech market by the new creditON brand. The headquarters of creditON is located in Riga, Latvia, where more than 16,000 clients have already used our loan services with confidence. For those interested in short-term and quick loans or online loans, we offer clear, ...

Law Office: - debt collection -establishment of companies - bills and checks -disputes from business relations -Civil Law -divorce lawyer -real estate transfers -drawing up contracts -labor law -Criminal Law -a personal bankruptcy - lawyer's escrow.

Provision of comprehensive services in the area of receivables: - enforcement - proposal to declare bankruptcy - claims for payment of the claim - debt consolidation - debt elimination.

Advice: - economic -financial. Bookkeeping.

Expert office, appraiser. Services: - valuation of real estate -appreciation for property transfers - market valuation.

Financial advice Establishment of a company Real estate activities Real estate activities

Economic consultancy - ensures public contracts from 137/2006 Coll. Organizational consulting Security - seminars

Law Office - housing, civil, commercial, administrative and construction law

Law Office - general practice - housing, insolvency and leasing law

Law Office - general practice - civil law, criminal law, commercial and family divorces, common property of spouses.