Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Services: -bookkeeping -tax records -accounting advice -representation in offices -payment processing -tax returns.

Services: - financial advice - insurance. Life Insurance. Insurance of citizens' property. Car insurance. Accident insurance. Travel insurance. Business insurance. Insurance of cities and municipalities. Insurance for foreigners. Residence: - Rembrandtova 439/10, Ústí nad Labem.

Services: - financial advice - insurance. Life Insurance. Insurance of citizens' property. Car insurance. Accident insurance. Travel insurance. Business insurance. Insurance of cities and municipalities. Insurance for foreigners. Residence: - Rembrandtova 439/10, Ústí nad Labem.

Tax and accounting office: - tax, accounting advice - payroll and personnel consulting - keeping tax records - bookkeeping - management of salaries and personnel agendas - processing returns for all types of taxes - deferrals of tax returns

Provides taxes - accounting consultancy - representation at the authorities Bookkeeping - tax records, accounting, VAT, KH - wages, human resources - accounting consultancy - representation at the authorities

Processing of documents for tax returns: - reverse processing of tax records for the normal current accounting period - accounting consultancy - consulting in the field of taxes Bookkeeping: - accounting processing - tax records - accounting control - retrospective processing of accounting for the normal current accounting period as ...

Notary JUDr. Miloslav Peterka with headquarters in Prague, Na Příkopě 853/12 - passage Černá Růže provides all services according to Act. No. 358/1992 Coll., of the notary's code and, as a court commissioner, he is authorized by the District Court for Prague 4 in estate proceedings. We offer you complete notary services, managing inheritance ...

We help you protect your ideas. We provide legal advice in the field of intellectual property, mainly related to registration, maintenance and protection strategy. The portfolio of services we offer our clients includes: - conducting negotiations and preparing contractual documentation or other legal documentation related to individual ...

Comprehensive offer of financial products. For individuals: - loans - accounts - leasing - cards - direct banking - savings - insurance. For companies: - loans - direct banking - business accounts - term deposits - leasing - Credit cards.