Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Taxes, tax advice. Knowledge: - accounting - tax records, processing - wages.

Services: - tax advice - EU subsidies - accounting services - accounting processing - accounting - tax records - wages

Law Office: - civil law, commercial law, family law, criminal law, exchange law, labor law, corporate law, liability law and bankruptcy law - Unfair competition - real estate.

Financial advice for citizens, families and entrepreneurs: - investments, property consultancy, - loans, mortgages, - insurance, - personal financial plans, - financial advice and consultation.

Law Office - commercial, financial, tax, European, civil, labor, administrative, computer and constitutional law

WinDUO economic software Development and sale of economic software for accounting and tax records. - try WinDUO-FREE. Accounting, tax consultancy. Rental of training premises.

Law Office. - civil law, criminal law, family law, common property of spouses, administrative law, criminal law, commercial law, international law, asylum law

Law Office - banking, commercial and civil law - mergers and acquisitions

Law Office - financial, civil and commercial law

Law Office - general practice - commercial and criminal law

Business consulting in the field of wholesale trade

Law Office - general practice - civil and criminal law

Expert opinions - valuation of real estate Real estate activities

Financial advice. Construction, sale, rental: - family and apartment buildings.