Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Law Office - housing, inheritance, civil, commercial and labor law

Law Office - civil, family, commercial and criminal law - real estate - representation before the court

Law Office - general practice - civil, commercial, labor and criminal law

Short-term loans - loans, so-called payday loans, sms loan, quick loan, loan immediately before payday.

Law Office - general practice - copyright, civil and commercial law - protection of personal data

Tax, accounting and economic consulting, verification of costs for science and research

Real estate and finance company: - we will find a suitable one for the seller interested party - we will draw up a purchase contract - we will provide a deposit to the Cadastre real estate - we will provide an expert opinion. Management of residential and non-residential buildings premises. Accommodations. Leasing. Rental ...

Law Office - commercial, civil, labor and administrative law - real estate Receivables management.

Financial Advisor - drawing up a financial plan according to your possibilities and needs - assessment of existing financial products life and property insurance, building savings, pension fund - valorization of savings by investments in the capital markets - designing the most economical solution to achieve your goals of housing solutions, ...

Law Office - financial, insolvency, civil, commercial, criminal and healthcare law

Elaboration of expert opinions on the price of motor vehicles

Law Office - business and competition law - mergers and acquisitions - sale and transformation of the company - arbitration

Audit services. Tax advice: - tax return processing. Accounting consultancy: - bookkeeping - salary and personnel agenda.

Accounting and tax office. Accounting and tax consulting. Services: - management, reconstruction and control of all types of accounting, both in our offices and at the client's, possibly through remote access, online hosting of accounting software POHODA -taxes, tax returns -personalistics -wages, calculation of wages -audit, tax and ...

Economic consultancy. Economic training, management courses, company development courses.