Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Management accounting, consulting.

Law Office - residential, commercial, labor, corporate and construction law.

A forensic expert carries out real estate valuations.

Law Office - insolvency, civil, commercial and criminal law.

Offer of building savings, housing loans and personal and property insurance.

Sales Representative - Czech-Moravian Savings Bank

What exactly can you expect from us? Advice on security and investments 1. evaluation of the current situation and existing contracts and finding out gap 2. accurate analysis of your wishes and goals 3. working out your options and an investment concept adapted to you 4. personal advice, coordination and implementation The E&S Group is ...

Law Office - general practice - insurance, criminal and healthcare law

The main services include: -implementation of energy projects and turnkey systems for photovoltaics, thermals, heat pumps, cogeneration, energy savings, indoor and outdoor lighting -wholesale of solar material - development of complete territorial and implementation project documentation - ensuring financing of energy projects - preparation ...

Debt collection quickly, seriously, without deposits, online.

Law Office - civil, commercial and insurance law

All accounting services including consulting

Law Office - civil, commercial, corporate, administrative and energy law.

Law Office - housing, commercial, competition and corporate law.

Expert assessments of real estate estimates Geodetic office - preparation of geometric plans - demarcation of land boundaries - surveying of documents for project preparation, longitudinal and transverse profiles, digital terrain model - drawing up the documentation of the actual execution of the building - drawing ...

- mediation of financial resources Telephone connection for those interested in a loan 733 713 326 733 713 327 Contacts for existing clients Mon-Fri 8:00-16:00 733 747 772 733 532 991 e-mail: Contact for business partners/media: e-mail: