Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Law Office - civil, commercial and corporate law

Law Office - commercial, trade, administrative, insolvency, criminal, civil, labor, family and healthcare law - procurement Debt collection by legal means

We bring you solutions to continuously reduce and control your company costs. We called our solution the Guardian of Corporate Costs. On the basis of long-term cooperation, we will continue to monitor the items of company costs selected by you and push for their minimization. We will constantly negotiate with your service suppliers, monitor their ...

Bank and non-bank loans Insurance, savings.

Tax consultancy Bookkeeping - accounting and payroll consulting - economic balance sheets Personnel agency

Car dealership. It offers: - purchase of cars against account - purchase of cars for cash - advantageous leasing from G.E.Capital, CCB Leasing, ESSOX Leasing, Škofin -financial services - statutory and accident insurance -Car insurance.

Trading and consulting company focused on foreign trade, complex engineering and investments. Processing, delivery and roofing of projects of investment units, their parts, including financing. We bring together industry-specialized companies with a focus on development, design, construction, production, and service in various areas of ...

Sales Representative - Czech-Moravian Savings Bank

Tax consultancy Business management consultancy Accounting consultancy

Sampa Invest, s.r.o. is the first consulting company in the Czech Republic specialized exclusively in professional solutions to the financial problems of households and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Detection and detectors, Detective agencies * Financial and investment consulting * Other services (trade and services) Receivables. Exclusive and professional service in the field of development capital, prevention of commercial risks and crisis situations, settlement of claims and liabilities, protection of VIPs, detective services.

Services: - creation and management of online systems for arranging insurance in the field of tourism - arranging insurance for vehicles, property, liability, travel agencies against bankruptcy or travel insurance.

Services: - car financing - car insurance - import of cars from the EU.

Law Office - civil, commercial and criminal law

Law Office - insolvency, civil, commercial, labor and criminal law

Mediation - Life Insurance - private property and liability insurance - travel insurance - accident insurance - Car insurance

Tax consultancy Accounting and tax records - accounting consultancy