Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Services: - tax advice - accounting - economic consultancy

Management of double-entry bookkeeping, tax records, wages, consulting.

comprehensive economic and tax services

Consulting in the field of debt relief for natural persons. Processing, submission of a proposal for initiation of insolvency proceedings. Debt relief is one of the ways to solve insolvency, i.e. the inability to properly and timely fulfill obligations of a financial nature.

Economic and organizational consulting

Insurance consultant, insurance, mediation of insurance, supplementary pension insurance, building savings, loans, mortgages.

Services: -bookkeeping - tax records -salary and personnel agendas -tax return - economic and management consulting.

Offer accounting and IT consulting, bookkeeping and tax records, software provision Sales of economic and accounting software

Law Office - German, commercial and corporate law - protection of personality, industrial and intellectual property

Law Office - administrative, civil and criminal law

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping, tax records -Preparation and elaboration of technical proposals, graphic and drawing work -Advertising activity, marketing, media representation -Photographic services -Services in the field of administrative administration and services of an organizational and economic nature -Providing ...

Audit activity. Services: - tax, taxes - economic - accountant, accounting. Headquarters: - K Olšině 975, Orlová - Lutyně.

Business, legal and economic consulting.

Audit activity, audits. Bookkeeping. Payroll processing Economic and accounting consultancy.

E-shop: - acoustic foams and materials. Sale and rental of disc golf baskets and equipment. Disc golf training. Financial advice in a different way.

Law Office -Civil Law -Business Law -bankruptcy and insolvency law -labor law -family law -Criminal Law.

Knowledge - accounting - tax records

Law Office - commercial, civil, labor, family and housing law