Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Insurance: - life - accidental - travel - vehicles - households - medical - for entrepreneurs.

Insurance: - accidental - travel - vehicles - life - Car insurance - property - households.

Branch. Insurance: - accidental - travel - vehicles - life - Car insurance - property - households.

Branch. Insurance: - accidental - travel - vehicles - life - Car insurance - property - households.

Insurance company: -Life Insurance -accident insurance -medical expenses insurance -Car insurance -household insurance -responsibility for damage caused by business.

Insurance: -life, accident - travel, emergency -households, buildings -property and liability for damages - entrepreneurs.

Insurance: - accidental - travel - vehicles - life - Car insurance - property - households.

Activity: - sales representative of the insurance company Allianz

Expert opinions, valuation: - forest and non-forest land - ornamental trees - agricultural land

Tax consultancy. Knowledge - accounting - tax records. Legal advice.

Law Office - civil law, commercial law, residential and family divorces, common property of spouses

Law Office - civil, commercial and labor law - awarding public contracts Enforcement of pledge decisions, debt collection

Law Office - civil and commercial law

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping, tax records