Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Factoring (factoring) is a complex product that solves for clients the financing of short-term receivables until maturity, their management, collection and, if necessary, the securing of receivables in case of unwillingness to pay or insolvency of customers. One of the main advantages of factoring is that the client does not have to wait for ...

We provide services in the field of accounting, payroll and economic consulting. Our goal is to save you time and worries associated with this area. At the same time, we will be happy to provide you with important information and advice so that you can make better decisions and manage your company. We always strive for very good relationships ...

Services: -bookkeeping. Training, courses: -bookkeeping.

Services: - insurance representative

Economic consultancy - processing of double-entry bookkeeping - keeping tax records - management of payroll and personnel agenda.

Law Office - civil, family, labor, commercial, inheritance and criminal law - legal advice, consultation, representation

Services: - accounting - security services - detective services - reality - advertisement

Sales representative Českomoravská stavební spořitelna.

Law Office - insolvency law, civil, business and family divorces, common property of spouses

Expert estimates and assessments of real estate for sale, depreciation, inheritance, donation

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping, tax records

Law Office - housing law, insolvency, business and family divorces, joint property of spouses - the law of business companies, establishment, liquidation

Tax and economic consulting, bookkeeping.

Processing - taxes tax advice Management - accounting, accounting consultancy.

Services: - economical service -bookkeeping - tax advice

Leasing financing of cars and trucks, trucks and their trailers and semi-trailers, buses and other equipment. Leasing of real estate and machinery.

Accounting and tax records. Measurement and management of company performance - consultancy, projects, teaching activities. Financial and managerial accounting, controlling, taxes - seminars, courses, lecturing.