Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Provision of economic services for entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs. We offer: - bookkeeping - crisis management - salary and personnel agenda - accounting, tax and economic consulting - rental of meeting rooms.

Services: -evaluation - the process of examining financial budgets - socio-economic analyses -training and seminars

Services: - tax advice -bookkeeping - payroll processing

Services - consulting services in the field of real estate - valuation of real estate

Services: - legal - administrative - organizational - accountant - tax - asset management. - organizing voluntary and involuntary auctions

Services - complete assistance services - towing, vehicle repairs - rental of a spare vehicle - liquidation of the insurance event

Services - bookkeeping - complete payroll service - representation before the authorities - processing of tax returns

Law Office - commercial, labor, corporate and trade law

Services: -bookkeeping -economic consultancy - web design -organization of courses

Law Office - insolvency, civil, commercial and Slovak law Enforcement of pledge decisions, debt collection

Services: -real estate management -Real estate activities - business and legal advice

Law Office - civil, commercial, family, labor, criminal and health law - lawyer deposity

Law Office - corporate, trading company, liability, advertising, banking and financial law - information and communication technologies - Unfair competition - trademarks

Law Office - corporate, financial, banking and labor law - real estate - mergers and acquisitions - procurement - securities - economic competition - intellectual property

Services - stock market - share trading

Services: -economic consultancy -accounting advice -legal advice

Law Office - banking, financial, commercial, liability and corporate law - representation before courts and state authorities

Law Office - international public, private, commercial and civil law